Travel hidden gems Europe museums

Travel Hidden Gems: Europe’s Museums

Europe is renowned for its rich history, stunning architecture, and fascinating cultural heritage. While iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Colosseum in Rome often steal the limelight, there is a treasure trove of hidden gems waiting to be explored – Europe’s museums. These museums offer a unique glimpse into the continent’s past, and their off-the-beaten-path locations provide an authentic and enriching experience for avid travelers. In this article, we will uncover some of Europe’s hidden gem museums that deserve a spot on your travel itinerary.

1. The Sir John Soane’s Museum – London, United Kingdom

Located in the heart of London, the Sir John Soane’s Museum offers a captivating journey through the life and collections of Sir John Soane, a prominent British architect. This hidden gem museum showcases Soane’s extensive collection of art, antiquities, and architectural models, providing visitors with an intimate insight into his creative mind.

The museum’s unique layout, with countless rooms and corridors filled with intriguing artifacts, creates an immersive experience that transports you to a different era. As you wander through the museum, you’ll discover meticulously arranged displays of sculptures, paintings, and historical objects, each with its own story to tell. The museum also hosts temporary exhibitions that delve into specific aspects of Soane’s work or highlight the works of contemporary artists.

To enhance your visit, make sure to join one of the guided tours offered by the museum. Knowledgeable guides will take you through the museum’s highlights, providing in-depth information about Soane’s life and the significance of the displayed objects. Additionally, the museum’s shop offers a wide range of books and souvenirs related to art and architecture, allowing you to continue your exploration even after you leave.

2. The Museum aan de Stroom – Antwerp, Belgium

Situated in Antwerp, Belgium, the Museum aan de Stroom, also known as MAS, stands as a symbol of the city’s maritime history and cultural heritage. Its modern and striking architecture alone is worth a visit, but it is the museum’s fascinating exhibits that truly steal the show.

The MAS covers a wide range of topics, including Antwerp’s role as a global port city, its cultural diversity, and its connections to the world. The museum’s galleries are organized thematically, guiding visitors through different aspects of Antwerp’s history and culture. From ancient artifacts to contemporary art, you’ll encounter a diverse collection that spans centuries.

One of the highlights of the museum is the panoramic rooftop. Head up to the top floor and be rewarded with a breathtaking view of Antwerp’s skyline. The rooftop terrace is an excellent spot to take stunning photographs and appreciate the city’s beauty from a unique perspective.

To make the most of your visit, consider participating in one of the MAS’s interactive workshops or guided tours. These activities provide a deeper understanding of the museum’s collections and allow you to engage with the exhibits on a more personal level. The museum also hosts temporary exhibitions and cultural events throughout the year, so be sure to check their schedule before your visit.

3. The Museum of Broken Relationships – Zagreb, Croatia

Tucked away in the charming city of Zagreb, Croatia, the Museum of Broken Relationships is a unique and emotionally charged museum. Unlike traditional museums, this hidden gem focuses on the artifacts and stories of failed relationships. Each item on display represents a personal, sentimental connection that has come to an end, accompanied by a heartfelt description from the former owners.

The museum’s thought-provoking exhibits provide a universal understanding of love, loss, and human connections. As you explore the various displays, you’ll come across items such as love letters, wedding dresses, and even bizarre objects that hold profound meaning for their donors. Each artifact tells a story of joy, heartbreak, and the complexity of human emotions.

In addition to the permanent collection, the museum also features temporary exhibitions that explore different themes related to relationships and human experiences. These exhibitions add a dynamic element to the museum, ensuring that there is always something new to discover. The Museum of Broken Relationships also hosts events such as readings, performances, and workshops, allowing visitors to engage further with the museum’s concept.

To fully appreciate the museum’s intimate atmosphere and reflective nature, take your time as you navigate through the exhibits. Consider reading the personal stories associated with each item, as they provide a deeper understanding of the emotions behind the artifacts. The Museum of Broken Relationships is a truly unique experience that encourages self-reflection and empathy.

4. The Škoda Auto Museum – Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

Car enthusiasts and history buffs alike will be enthralled by the Škoda Auto Museum, located in Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic. This hidden gem museum showcases the evolution of Škoda Auto, one of the oldest car manufacturers in the world.

The exhibit takes visitors on a journey through time, displaying iconic automobiles, vintage models, and innovative prototypes. You’ll have the opportunity to see how technology and design have evolved over the years, from the early days of Škoda Auto to the present. The museum also highlights the significant milestones that Škoda Auto has achieved, such as winning prestigious races and contributing to automotive innovations.

The Škoda Auto Museum offers a comprehensive experience for automobile enthusiasts. In addition to the impressive car collection, the museum provides detailed information about the manufacturing process, including the engineering and design aspects. Interactive displays and multimedia presentations further enhance the visitor’s understanding of the automotive industry.

To make the most of your visit, consider joining one of the guided tours offered by the museum. Knowledgeable guides will provide insights into the history of Škoda Auto and share interesting anecdotes about the exhibited cars. If you’re lucky, you might even get the chance to witness a live demonstration of vintage Škoda vehicles.

5. The Museum of Illusions – Vienna, Austria

Prepare to have your senses deceived at the Museum of Illusions in Vienna, Austria. This hidden gem museum offers mind-bending exhibits that challenge your perception and play with optical illusions. From rooms that appear to defy gravity to holograms that bring images to life, the Museum of Illusions guarantees an interactive and immersive experience for visitors of all ages.

As you explore the museum, you’ll encounter a variety of optical illusions that will make you question your own senses. The exhibits are designed to trick the brain and create visual effects that are both fascinating and perplexing. From the Ames Room, where people can appear to dramatically change in size, to the Infinity Room, where mirrors create an illusion of endless space, each exhibit offers a unique and surprising experience.

To fully immerse yourself in the world of illusions, take advantage of the museum’s interactive displays. Experiment with different perspectives, angles, and viewpoints to understand how illusions are created. The museum also encourages visitor participation, allowing you to take part in various mind-boggling activities and puzzles.

Don’t forget to bring your camera, as the Museum of Illusions provides endless photo opportunities. Capture gravity-defying poses, create optical illusions with your friends, and share your mind-bending experiences with others. The museum’s gift shop offers a range of souvenirs and books related to optical illusions, allowing you to continue exploring the world of visual trickery even after your visit.

6. The Museum of Broken Relationships – Los Angeles, United States

With its roots in Zagreb, Croatia, the Museum of Broken Relationships has now expanded to Los Angeles, bringing its poignant exhibits to a wider audience. Located in the heart of Hollywood, this hidden gem offers a glimpse into the universal emotions of love and heartbreak. The museum features donated items that represent past relationships, accompanied by personal stories that evoke both empathy and reflection.

Explore this unconventional museum and discover the power of human connections. As you walk through the exhibits, you’ll encounter objects that range from the ordinary to the extraordinary, each with its own story to tell. The personal narratives provide a glimpse into the diverse experiences of love and loss, allowing visitors to connect on a deeply emotional level.

The Museum of Broken Relationships in Los Angeles also hosts events and educational programs that explore the themes of love, relationships, and human emotions. From panel discussions to art workshops, these activities create a space for dialogue and reflection. The museum’s gift shop offers unique souvenirs that serve as reminders of the universal nature of human connections.

7. The Musical Instrument Museum – Brussels, Belgium

Hidden within the historic heart of Brussels, Belgium, the Musical Instrument Museum (MIM) is a must-visit for music lovers and curious travelers alike. The MIM boasts an impressive collection of over 8,000 musical instruments from around the world.

Immerse yourself in the rich diversity of musical cultures as you explore the museum’s extensive galleries. From ancient instruments to contemporary masterpieces, the MIM showcases the beauty and artistry of music throughout history. Each instrument tells a story of craftsmanship, innovation, and the cultural context from which it originated.

The MIM offers a unique audio experience, allowing visitors to listen to the sounds of the instruments on display. As you wander through the galleries, you can use the provided headphones to hear recordings of the instruments being played. This immersive feature brings the instruments to life, enabling you to appreciate their unique qualities and the range of sounds they produce.

To delve deeper into the world of music, consider attending one of the MIM’s concerts or workshops. These events provide opportunities to witness live performances, learn about different musical traditions, and even try playing some instruments yourself. The museum also houses a café with panoramic views of Brussels, where you can relax and reflect on the musical journey you’ve undertaken.


Exploring Europe’s hidden gem museums is an incredible way to delve deeper into the continent’s diverse history and culture. Whether it’s the architectural wonders of Sir John Soane’s Museum in London, the emotional journey offered by the Museum of Broken Relationships in Zagreb, Los Angeles, or the mind-bending illusions of Vienna’s Museum of Illusions, each museum offers a unique and unforgettable experience. The Škoda Auto Museum in Mladá Boleslav takes car enthusiasts on a captivating journey through automotive history, while the Musical Instrument Museum in Brussels celebrates the artistry and cultural significance of music. So, when planning your next European adventure, be sure to include these hidden gems on your travel itinerary and embark on a remarkable journey through time, art, and human connections.


  1. Where is the Sir John Soane’s Museum located?

    • The Sir John Soane’s Museum is located in London, United Kingdom.
  2. What does the Museum aan de Stroom in Antwerp showcase?

    • The Museum aan de Stroom showcases Antwerp’s maritime history, cultural heritage, and a wide range of topics including its role as a global port city and cultural diversity.
  3. What is unique about the Museum of Broken Relationships in Zagreb?

    • The Museum of Broken Relationships in Zagreb focuses on the artifacts and stories of failed relationships, providing a universal understanding of love, loss, and human connections.
  4. Which museum in the Czech Republic would interest car enthusiasts and history buffs?

    • The Škoda Auto Museum in Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic would interest car enthusiasts and history buffs.