Aalst Affair: Carnivals and Craftsmanship

Aalst Affair: Carnivals and Craftsmanship

Located in Belgium, Aalst is a city known for its rich cultural heritage, vibrant festivals, and traditional craftsmanship. One of the most famous events in Aalst is the annual carnival, which attracts visitors from all over the world. In this article, we will delve into the Aalst Affair, exploring the history of the carnival, the craftsmanship of the city, and the controversy that has surrounded this beloved event.

History of the Aalst Carnival

The Aalst Carnival has a long and storied history, dating back to the Middle Ages. The carnival is held each year in the week leading up to Lent, and is known for its colorful parades, elaborate costumes, and lively music. The origins of the carnival are rooted in the city’s Catholic traditions, as a way to celebrate before the solemn period of Lent.

Over the years, the Aalst Carnival has evolved into a major cultural event, attracting thousands of visitors each year. The carnival features a variety of events, including a parade of floats, street performances, and traditional dances. It is a time for the people of Aalst to come together and celebrate their heritage and community spirit.

The Aalst Carnival is not only a time for celebration but also a reflection of the city’s history and identity. Through the colorful parades and lively music, the carnival showcases the enduring traditions and values that have been passed down through generations. It serves as a reminder of the importance of community and cultural expression in a rapidly changing world.

The cultural significance of the Aalst Carnival extends beyond the city itself, as it has become a symbol of Belgian heritage and tradition. Visitors from all over the world flock to Aalst to experience the vibrant atmosphere and witness the craftsmanship that goes into creating the elaborate floats and costumes. The carnival serves as a bridge between the past and the present, connecting people from different backgrounds through a shared love of culture and festivity.

The Craftsmanship of Aalst

In addition to its vibrant festivals, Aalst is also known for its traditional craftsmanship. The city is home to a number of skilled artisans who specialize in a variety of crafts, including lace making, woodworking, and pottery. These craftsmen and women take great pride in their work, creating beautiful and unique pieces that reflect the rich history and culture of Aalst.

One of the most famous crafts in Aalst is lace making. The city has a long tradition of lace production, dating back to the 17th century. Aalst lace is known for its intricate designs and delicate patterns, and is highly sought after by collectors around the world. The city is also home to a number of woodworking shops, where artisans create fine furniture and decorative items using traditional techniques.

In addition to lace making and woodworking, Aalst is also known for its pottery and ceramics. The city’s artisans use traditional methods to create stunning pieces that are both functional and decorative. From intricately painted tiles to elegant vases, Aalst’s pottery tradition is a testament to the skill and artistry of its craftsmen.

The craftsmanship of Aalst is not only a reflection of the city’s history but also a source of economic prosperity. The handmade goods produced by local artisans are highly valued both locally and internationally, contributing to the city’s reputation as a hub of creativity and innovation. By preserving and promoting traditional craftsmanship, Aalst ensures that its cultural heritage remains vibrant and relevant in the modern world.

The Aalst Affair Controversy

Despite its long history and cultural significance, the Aalst Carnival has been mired in controversy in recent years. In 2019, the carnival came under fire for featuring a float that depicted Orthodox Jews with grotesque features, playing into anti-Semitic stereotypes. The float sparked outrage and condemnation from Jewish groups and international organizations, leading to calls for the carnival to be removed from UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list.

The controversy surrounding the Aalst Carnival has raised important questions about the role of tradition and cultural expression in a diverse and multicultural society. While some argue that the carnival should be allowed to continue as a celebration of local heritage, others believe that it is important to challenge harmful stereotypes and promote inclusivity and respect for all cultures.

The Aalst Affair controversy serves as a reminder of the power of cultural events to both unite and divide communities. It highlights the need for sensitivity and awareness when it comes to representing different cultures and traditions, and the importance of fostering a spirit of inclusivity and understanding. By addressing the issues raised by the controversy, Aalst has the opportunity to strengthen its cultural identity and promote harmony among its diverse population.

The controversy surrounding the Aalst Carnival has also sparked conversations about the impact of art and expression on social norms and values. It has prompted a reexamination of the ways in which cultural events can reinforce stereotypes and perpetuate discrimination. By engaging in open dialogue and promoting mutual respect, Aalst has the chance to turn the controversy into an opportunity for growth and positive change.


In conclusion, the Aalst Carnival is a beloved cultural event that has been at the center of controversy in recent years. Despite its rich history and tradition of craftsmanship, the carnival has faced criticism for perpetuating harmful stereotypes and offending marginalized communities. As the city of Aalst grapples with these issues, it is important to remember the value of cultural expression and the need to promote understanding and respect among all people.

In the end, the Aalst Affair serves as a reminder of the power of art and tradition to both unite and divide us, and the importance of engaging in meaningful dialogue and reflection as we navigate the complex cultural landscape of the 21st century.


1. What is the history of the Aalst Carnival?

The Aalst Carnival has a long and storied history dating back to the Middle Ages. It is held each year in the week leading up to Lent and is known for its colorful parades, elaborate costumes, and lively music.

2. What is the craftsmanship of Aalst known for?

Aalst is known for its traditional craftsmanship, including lace making, woodworking, and pottery. Skilled artisans in the city create beautiful and unique pieces that reflect the rich history and culture of Aalst.

3. What controversy has surrounded the Aalst Carnival?

In recent years, the Aalst Carnival has been embroiled in controversy due to a float in 2019 that depicted Orthodox Jews with grotesque features, perpetuating anti-Semitic stereotypes. This led to outrage and condemnation from Jewish groups and international organizations.

4. What events are featured in the Aalst Carnival?

The Aalst Carnival features a variety of events including a parade of floats, street performances, and traditional dances. It is a time for the people of Aalst to come together and celebrate their heritage and community spirit.